Lentil and Broccoli Salad

We need more legumes in our lives. Eat legumes with grains to create a complete protein.* Complete proteins occur naturally in meat and eggs, etc., but most beans, veggies, grains and the like contain incomplete proteins. Some cultures have been combining legumes and grains for centuries: like beans and corn in Mexico, dahl and rice in India and tofu and rice in Japan.

Lentil and Broccoli Salad
You could alter this recipe in so many ways, according to your tastes and what is in season.

Rinse and drain a can of lentils. Pop the lentils in a bowl with one tablespoon olive oil and two tablespoons balsamic vinegar. Mix it all up so the lentils are coated.

Cut up about 500g broccoli and cook in boiling water for a few minutes, until tender but still pretty firm. Drain.

In a little olive oil, saute a chopped onion, crushed clove of garlic and a chopped red chilli in a big pan or wok for 2 minutes. Add some chopped spinach, saute until wilted. Put the broccoli into the pan for a minute or two to make sure it’s still warm.

Remove pan from heat and combine the broccoli mixture with the lentils. Mix it all up, season if you wish, and serve.

*I’m not a doctor, dietitian or nutritionist – I’m just interested in food and nutrition. And in eating cupcakes.

Published in: Uncategorized on September 23, 2009 at 7:25 pm  Leave a Comment  
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